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My name is Nataly Meza, I am a junior in high school. I created and came up with the idea for this website through my dreams and aspirations to help anyone in need. I myself have gone through multiple years of sexual, mental & domestic abuse, lost my home, struggled in school, attended therapy, and more. Due to these experiences, I have seen how life's hardships can attack almost every aspect of our lives firsthand. In order to provide as much support as I possibly can, I chose to create this website with the help of my friends along the way as a collection of all our knowledge and work that benefits society. My goal is to take my experiences and give back to other innocent people who have experienced the same.  The Stability Projects message is that anyone can still succeed and become better in anything they dream no matter how hard life is knocking them down. Anyone can reach stability, and everyone deserves stability. It is important for me to note that I am nowhere near a professional but have simply created a place where I collected my thoughts and resources.


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My name is Nicholas Petersen, and I am also a junior in high school. I decided to partake in this project to help out as best I could in designing a safe space for people to feel comfortable, talk, and find helpful resources.


I also admin our community Discord, feel free to join!



T H A N K  Y O U 


We can also be found on another platform called Discord. Here we will provide a lot of the same information as well as provide special meetings! We'd love to house video game nights, movie nights, or just meet with you all to chat and laugh!

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